Recipe Reveal | Keepers by Cherie Metcalfe

We're back with your favourite series... Recipe Reveal! This week, we are sharing a warming and delicious recipe from inside Keepers by Cherie Metcalfe. Keepers takes your cooking to the next level with easy-to-prepare recipes that your friends and family will love. Within its pages, you will find over 60 versatile recipes packed with flavour and set to impress.

Discover below the recipe to a delightful vegan Tarka Dahl.

Image of Tarka Dahl from cookbook

Tarka Dahl from Keepers

Serves 4


1 brown onion

1 green chilli

oil for cooking

2 cups red lentils

120 g (4¼ oz) Tit'lllating Tandoori Paste 

2 teaspoons ground turmeric

1.5 litres (52 fl oz) vegetable stock

3 fresh tomatoes, diced

2 teaspoons Man Grind

200 g (7 oz) paneer (optional)

300 g (10½ oz) spinach, picked

and washed


Dice the onion and deseed and chop the chilli, and add these to a large casserole dish with a good splash of oil. Sauté on a medium heat for a few minutes, then pop the lentils in. 

Add the tandoori paste and turmeric and stir these in. Cover with the vegetable stock and bring to the boil.

Reduce the heat to medium and leave to simmer gently, uncovered, for 30-45 minutes, skimming away any scum that rises to the top.

Stir in the tomatoes and Man Grind. Simmer for another 10 minutes on a gentle heat, until the lentils are fully cooked.

Dice the paneer and pop this in now if you are using it. The lentils will have lost shape by now, and the dish will be heading towards a porridge-like consistency. Add a splash more water if needed to stop the mixture sticking to the bottom of the dish.

Chop the spinach, then stir this in as well. Simmer on a very low heat for a few more minutes, then check the seasoning, adding more Man Grind if necessary.

Serve with rice or cauliflower rice, garlic naan and fresh coriander, if desired.

We hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do! 

Discover a selection of our cookbooks with delightful recipe's below:

With love,

Flo family x

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