Environmental Responsibility

Our Operational Carbon Footprint:

As of March 2022, we have started to work with the Toitū Envirocare 'carbon assess' SME tool to help us measure an estimate of our operational carbon footprint. Working with Toitū Envirocare allows us to see where our largest emissions come from, from there we can begin to target, address and start to offset them.


We're aware of how online orders increase our carbon footprint, in 2019 as a way to help offset this we started planting a tree for every online order placed. As of July 2022 we now work with Greenspark, as a way to not only plant a tree for every order but enable our customers to have their own dashboard and the ability to track how their orders give back to the planet.

Greenspark | Plastic & Carbon Offset


We've teamed up with CarbonClick, a company making it easy for people and businesses to help fight climate change. CarbonClick looks like a green button at the checkout. When a customer clicks, it adds a voluntary $3 contribution to their transaction, which is used to purchase carbon offsets. 

CarbonClick funds forest restoration, tree planting, and renewable energy projects around the world. We hope you'll join us by choosing CarbonClick with your purchase.


We use home compostable shipping bags from GoSweetSpot, these bags are derived from biopolymers and co-polymer; PBAT, Corn-starch and PLA. If you have no further use for the bag, remove or cut off any labels/stickers still attached and place the bag itself into your compost bin. If you do not have a home compost, you will be able to send them to your nearest commercial composting facility.

Repairing / Adjusting Garments:

We’re highly aware of the impact the fashion industry has on our planet, and that often when people are giving away their old clothes to op shops, a huge portion (approx 84%) of these clothes end up in landfills (Newsweek, 2016), without a second life. When our garments are not sold in stores or are deemed ‘unsellable’, we repair or change the garment as best as we can. We encourage you to send us your old pieces so we can mend them and pass them on to great organisations like Koha Apparel, Women's Refuge or Dress for Success.

Head Office & Resource Use:

We are constantly trying to come up with ways to reduce our waste at our office, by making simple swaps from single-use plastic, for their eco-friendly alternative. We’re not 100% there, but we’re all trying to learn and do our best. 

Our values are the core foundations of Flo & Frankie, we have three base values from which all of our initiatives, developments and actions are derived from these are: High QualityCommunity Kindness & Environmental Responsibility.

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